About Us

Problem Solved started in 2021 in Maella, Bajo Aragón-Caspe, as a way to help and support new people moving to the area, especially to live off-grid. Spanish bureaucracy is hard to navigate, and often you won’t find local businesses online. Problem Solved can help you by translating for you, liaising with locals, and finding you what you need.

We work with local architects, aparejadores, builders, and handy-people in several provinces.

Our Mission

Moving to a new country is often a challenge, and even more so when you’re moving to a rural area. We have almost 5 years experience setting up an off-grid property in Spain that we purchased as a ruin, so we know how hard it can be. Hardly any businesses have websites, nobody speaks English… We can help you make your voice heard, take the stress out of your new adventure, and help you realise your dreams.

Do you need help settling in Spain?

Get in touch, and let us get your problems solved.